Here’s everything you need to know about the game-changing combination of you + Kiko Pilates


We give our clients a place to call home.

Our signature reformer pilates classes are a cut above, not just refining your fitness, but also a place to feel safe, supported and seen.

We use reformer pilates to strengthen your body, we teach you to breather effectively and you will learn to move from your core to reduce pain and increase confidence.

Pilates is centred around breath work to engage the abdominals, with your core becoming the powerhouse for movement. Our pilates strengthens your deep intrinsic muscles, stabilising not only your spine but also your pelvis and core.

Pilates isn’t about a ‘six pack’! It’s about reducing back pain and imbalances, firing your glute muscles, and drawing your shoulders back and down to improve your posture - ultimately creating the most happy, functional version of you. That is the product of a strong core.

That is what we deliver.

She invested in herself and
everything changed.

“Even though I haven’t been coming to Kiko Pilates for that long, my mental feeling towards myself is the best it’s been in years.”

— Anna R

“Honestly since i’ve been under your eyes at Kiko the strength i’ve gained in so noticeable. I’m benching heavier with more ease and fluidity, pull ups are better, truly it’s just been such a noticeable difference, and all the pains in my elbows and shoulders feel lessened because of the techniques you teach.”

— Cath Terry

Each week we deliver brand new workouts combining our dynamic Kiko movement with stretch and relaxation series for a total transformation of the body and mind.

You will experience unique sequences and equipment combinations to not only strengthen your muscles but challenge your mind. This challenge will test your focus, coordination and motivation to stay with me, right until the end!